Colossians 2:9-10
For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority.
I’ve just started re-reading the book Lady in Waiting by Debby Joes and Jackie Kendall, well I guess technically I never finished it. So really I’m starting over. The first attempt to read the book I didn’t make it through, and I think that part of the reason was because I wasn’t ready for it. I’m so glad that I started from the beginning again because God knew what I needed to hear and when I needed to hear it.
Lately it seems that I have been getting into these awful moods. Sometimes it is because of someone else and many times it is because of myself. I have this terrible tendency to beat myself up over something that really should be forgotten quickly. Once I start beating myself up about it everything tends to go down hill. You know what I mean, I get stuck in hole and can’t, or won’t in many cases, dig myself out of it. I have a wonderful family and great friends who attempt to help me out of the “funk” I get in (as I like to call it), but more often than not I stay in it and ignore their attempts to help me.
The other week I was in one of those “funks,” and at this point I have no idea what happened to get me there. I was feeling sorry for myself in my “miserable” single state. (that tends to be the main thing that bothers me lately – but when I really think about it I am not that miserable….that is for another time) When I got home I opened up Lady in Waiting and was shocked at how much the chapter applied to how I was feeling right at that moment. (Isn’t God Awesome!?!) Here is one thing that stood out to me.
“Incompleteness is not the result of being single, but of not being full of Jesus”
“Only the single woman who understands this means of being complete in Jesus is mature enough to be a helpmeet (compliment).”
As I was reading this I knew that I am definitely not there yet, but it was so encouraging to me. I spend so much time thinking about wanting to be in a relationship that I push aside my Savior. Our culture has this view that every young woman needs to get married. This is engrained into our brains at a very young age through fairy tales and whatnot. God has given me this wonderful opportunity to right now to spend time with Him. I should be taking advantage of that time right now. Who knows what I have been waiting for.
I fell in love with Colossians 2:9-10 while reading this section of Lady in Waiting. My fullness or completeness is in Christ and nothing else. After reading those verses I wrote them down on a card and carried them around with me a for a few days. When I would start wishing or dreaming of being in a relationship I would pull our the card and meditate on those words. It totally helped! I even went on a little rampage, in a kind way, at one of my friends when she mentioned something about me needing a man. :o) I held up my verse card and said “Oh no! Not right now! My fullness is in Christ!”
Now I have to be honest with you, today was one of those not so good days. There were a few moments when some friends of mine cheered me up, but not long later I curled back up onto that awful mood. A friend has challenged me to spend more time in the Word and bring my focus back on Christ and away from myself. Tomorrow my verse cards will go everywhere with me in hopes that I will remember the promises I have from my loving Savior.
Thank You, Jesus for making me complete/ full in You!