There aren't many days left of school and my brain is definitely thinking about the summer! I'm so excited to spend the next couples of months in Wisconsin with my grandparents. It will be fun spending time with them. I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but I love drilling them with questions about our family. I keep a journal of the stories they tell of when they grew up. I'm hoping that by the end of the summer I'll have to buy a new journal. :)
I'm also looking forward to just a slower pase for a while. I'm bringing books, sewing projects, my guitar and walking/running shoes. Those are all things that I don't have time to do on a regular basis. It makes me so happy that I can spend time doing those fun things I love to do. (Let me clarify -- I don't love running, but I'm hoping to like running by the end of the summer)
So my question for you is:
How many books do I take?
While I was there for 1 1/2 weeks at Christmas I ready 3 books and was ready to start a 4th. I went through my bookshelves last night and pulled out the ones I've been wanting to read and I have 15 books in a stack right now. Lol! That is a lot of books! Is that too many? Space won't be the issue because I'm going to ship a box of books and fabric so that I don't have to pack it for on the plane. (Thanks Steph for that great idea!)
Looking forward to seeing you soon Grandma & Grandpa!