Sunday, July 24, 2016

Keeping God as the true King

       As I said in my last post, one of the perks of my job is that I have time to sit and read while I'm waiting in the truck for the phone to ring or to head to the next job. Some days I feel guilty about that and other days I remember that that was why I was hired and it is a blessing from the Lord. I've been able to have some great times in Scripture and for that I am extremely thankful. A few weeks ago I finished the Gospel Project study guide that I had been going through and it took me a while to order then next one. Technically it is meant to use with a group, but I do it on my own and I don't really follow the schedule they print in the book. Anyway, I finally got around the ordering the summer study guide (I ordered the fall one too so I'm ready when I finish this one) and it came in the mail this week. 

       Can I just tell you, God's timing is amazing! The first lesson was something I needed to read today. It applied to multiple things I was dealing throughout the week. It jumped right in to 1 Samuel 8 when Israel is demanding to have a king. The elders went to Samuel told him that they wanted a king just like other nations. Samuel didn't hold anything back and told them that is was not going to go the way they wanted it to and Israel still said they wanted a king. 

       Now, I could read this and just gloss over it saying Israel come on that was a stupid decision. I wouldn't have done that! They had God as their King and chose to give someone else that job. I would never do that! 

       Then I was asked the questions: "What are some things that make you feel secure? What are the signs that we are trusting in these things for our security and not in God alone?"

       Oh boy, once I read those questions multiple insecurities came flooding to my mind from this week alone. The day I cried to my mom over the phone about not making enough money. When in reality my bills are getting paid. Or when I was struggling with loneliness while at an event with a bunch of people. I am no better than Israel. 

       "Every life has a "king." A king in your life is whatever you must have in order to be happy and secure. And kings make all of their subjects into servants...You are either submitted to Someone who brings life--God--or you are enslaved to something that brings death."

       "When people who have been redeemed by Christ look to things in this world for protection, security, and validation, they start to look like everyone else. Forgetting their identity and the love that comes from a restored relationship with God, they become bound to a "king" they think will satisfy them. This is not what God intended for His people. This is not what He intends for you. He wants you to know the love and assurance that comes from knowing Christ. He doesn't want you to obsess over things in this world that hold only empty promises."

       I really needed that kick this weekend to get my focus back in the right place and make sure I keep God as my king and not let those other things sneak in there to take His place. 

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Summer Job

Well, my summer job is fully underway. This job is totally and completely different than anything I've ever done. I'm a secretary. A secretary who works out of a Dodge Ram. Not every secretary can say that! I answer the phone, write out estimate forms and receipts, make deposits at the bank, shop at Fleet Farm, drive the truck which is usually pulling an aerial lift, rake leaves (sometimes), buy blueberries (when my boss is having a craving) and sit in the truck. Most of the time I'm sitting in the truck. The only way that this relates to teaching is that some of the guys I work with act like junior highers.
There have been some jobs we've been at that I've had nothing to do but sit and wait for the phone to ring. That can get boring. So I've started taking my devotions with me. I've been going through the Gospel Project workbook. I'm totally behind, but still really like it. I've really enjoyed the time doing this at work. Sure there are times when I have to stop to move the truck or answer the phone, but that's ok. Here are a few things that stood out to me today.

"Sometimes we desire to escape difficult circumstances when God desires for us to interpret them and learn from them. God's plan is not just to bring relief but also to bring about growth in His people. Holiness is more important than absence of pain. If holiness truly becomes our greatest desire, then there is even profit from pain because we know God uses our trials to shape and equip us."

"No matter how inadequate we may feel, God sees us and says "Mighty Warriors!"

"The point of the story of Gideon and the fleece is to reveal God's patience with us when we find it hard to trust Him. God is willing to stoop down and reassure us when we are afraid."

"In response to God's grace, we are to answer God's call to service and trust in Him to empower our obedience."