Saturday, October 01, 2011


It is hard to believe that October 1st is today! September flew by. I love that the weather is starting to get a little cooler. Bring on the fall weather! I am ready!
As I was thinking about October this last week I've decided that I'm going to challenge myself for the month. (Don't worry, not another 30 day blog challenge that lasts for 5 months) In order to help my budget and my weight I'm going to not buy fast food or Starbucks for the month of October. And I have to tell you that at the moment I really want to go buy some coffee. This is going to be hard. But I'm feeling very determined. Christmas is coming and I have to be able to afford Christmas presents for people. :)
So there you have it. My October challenge!

1 comment:

Jen Bauer said...

I remember you doing this last year! You have resolve. You can do it!!