Wednesday, September 06, 2006

God is SO good!

I just got some really good news today and I wanted to share.
To start off with my first day at Masters last week was a nightmare. I went into the financial aide department to figure some things out with them and it turned out that my paperwork wasn't finished for the year. It was a big mess and all I could think about was the huge loan I was going to have to get for my last year of school. Not fun. I struggled a lot with giving the entire situation over to God and trusting that He had a plan.
Well, today I went in the office to see if my financial aid package was finished so that I could get my loan processed. It was done and when I looked at the package I saw that I had received 4, yes 4, grants! I was not expecting this at all! I had received a letter this summer saying that I would not receive the cal grant again. And I got it. I have no idea what happened, but what I do know is that God provides. I am so thankful! Now I have to get a small loan to pay for the rest and I'll be all set.
It just shows that this is where God wants me to be right now and that I can trust Him at all times!
Praise the Lord!!


jenylu said...

PTL! God is good--all the time!
Thanks for the encouragement. :)

Stephanie said...

God is so good and I am rejoicing with you! He is our provider and abudantly meets all our needs. Thanks for sharing that - it is good to testify to the GREATNESS of our God! We miss you and are praying for you!

Stephanie said...

Oh and Jamie - I was so excited to see I am linked to your blog now :):) Thanks!