Thursday, December 11, 2014


Grandma and I showing off our White Elephant gifts. 
I've been trying to get my grandma out of the house a little bit more. Hard when it is so cold outside. She doesn't like to be cold. Here we are at our church Christmas party. I have to say that I think she is adjusting well to my Grandpa being gone. I know that it is hard for her at times. I'm excited when I can take her out to do things since she is stuck at home alone all day long while I work. The biggest outing will be in a few weeks when I take her in California with me for Christmas. That will be a big adventure...I haven't told her yet. I know that sounds terrible, but she is such a worrier that I was afraid she would be miserable for a month. Miserable with worry for a week and a half is much better...hopefully. I'm prepared for the fact that she may be very mad at me for just buying her a ticket. But in the end I think it is the best decision. She needs a big distraction from the first Christmas without Grandpa. And my mom and I need her around so we don't worry about her the entire time I'm in CA. Praying that God keeps us safe and healthy while we travel.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

So glad you are getting some outings in with her and that she is going with you to CA - - what a fun adventure!!!!