Monday, November 03, 2008

There is none like you

"Helpless children are safe in Your arms.
There is none like you."
Right now (I wrote this on Friday) I am sitting in the Sacramento convention center drinking a white mocha and listening to my ipod, I would be in a seminar right now, but my throat is killing me and I am afraid I will fall asleep while listening to the speaker (not that the speaker is boring :o).
I'm sitting here listening to Shane & Shane, one of my favorite Christian groups. Just now the song "There is none like you" came on. I love their version of the song. This one line really rang out to me as I was listening to it. "Helpless children are safe in Your arms." I don't know about you, but I have times when I feel helpless. Maybe I feel alone, or the world is against me, or I am trying to do things by my own strength (which doesn't work). What a great reminder that even if I am feeling helpless I am safe in the arms of my Savior. I can turn to Him and have peace because there is no one like Him.
I am so thankful for the one who sent His Son to die so that I may be able to spend eternity with Him. I am thankful for those arms that surround and protect me from harm.
Thank you, Lord, for loving me.

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