Monday, December 20, 2010

What to do...

As of Friday, I am on Christmas Vacation! I'm a little excited to have some time off of work. Vacation time is one of the perks of being a teacher, for sure.

I was thinking the other day of all the things I'd like to do and get done during my two week vacation, so I thought I'd make a list to help motivate me to get them done. Hopefully I can get some things crossed off the list.

1. Sleep in (woke up at 7:30 today, that is a start!)
2. Read a book for fun
3. Take my car in to get fixed
4. Clean my apartment. I mean really clean! (planning on getting a good start on that today)
5. Get through a few books I need to read for work
6. Get a massage
7. Finish typing out my Grandma's recipes
8. Cook a few of my Grandma's recipes
9. Work on my Christmas quilt (maybe I can finish it sometime this year to use it next year)
10. Organize my Tastefully Simple business
11. Clean out my closet and get rid of a few clothes that I don't wear
12. Read a book at Starbucks (I've missed that in the last few months. It is so relaxing)

Ok, I'm sure the list could go on, but it is only 2 weeks people. :o) I'm so looking forward to the time to relax, get some things done and spend time with my family. The last few weeks have been crazy busy and I've only seen them here and there.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

All of those things sounds amazing! Enjoy!!!!!! Merry Christmas!